PS.5.1-29 Victim Referral

Indicator Phrasing

Number of victims referred for protection services.

Indicator Phrasing

English: Number of victims referred for protection services.

What is its purpose?

This indicator will measure the total number of victims of human trafficking referred by USAID implementing partners to protection services. Protection services are defined as health care, law enforcement, emergency response services, legal services, social services, and community or faith-based organizations. Please note that this indicator is a United States Government Standard Indictor, or "F Indicator", and can be included in the MEL plans of USG funded projects.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

This indicator will measure progress against the goal of Protection. Data will be collected quarterly to inform strategic reviews and the data will be shared in the annual PPR.

Disaggregate by


Important Comments

This indicator will measure the work under Protection, one of the Ps in the 3P paradigm of prosecution, protection and prevention.  USG's Theory of Change purports that strengthening protection services for victims will advance the fight against trafficking in persons by helping victims make the transition to survivors.


WARNING: This guidance was last updated in February 2023. Before utilizing this guidance, please check that it aligns with the latest Foreign Assistance reference sheet for indicator PS 5.1-29. This can be found in the live IRS Category 1 Peace and Security resource below. You can also check the State Department Resource Library for a full list of F Indicators. 

Access Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by USG Department of State and USAID ©

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