Community action groups formed

Indicator Phrasing

# of community action groups formed

Indicator Phrasing

English: # of community action groups formed

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures how many community action groups are formed. This indicator can be used to either evaluate the progression of community engagement as an outcome indicator. For example, for a community that is far from organized, the project may work to get the community interested in CTIP and begin to organize. This can also be used as an output indicator to monitor the first stage of a targeted community engagement programme. For example, a community that is already interested in CTIP activities may form early in the project and work to develop action plans and influence prevention and protection in the community – depending on the aim of the project.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation Method:

  • Count the number of community action groups formed


Data Collection:

Data should be collected by those working in the directly with community groups. Evidence could include groups charters or SOPs, meeting minutes and attendance records, photos of activities (if appropriate and safe), or other documentation that shows that the group formed and is active.


For either approach, information recorded should include

  • Location
  • Focus of action group
  • Number of engaged community members
  • Date of formation
  • Any additional information CSO feels relevant.

Disaggregate by

  • Focus of action group
  • Location


Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related (disability, ethnicity, etc.).


Important Comments


Community action group should be defined by the group. This means that groups can take many forms, but should be inclusive of all community members, may or may not include government entities, and should ideally include survivors. One of the main purposes of the group is prevention of CTIP and/or protection of survivors.



This indicator only counts new community action groups formed. For more evidence on influence, engagement, sustainability, etc., other indicators should be used alongside. For example, indicators on community knowledge, community referrals, or community activities can be used as a compliment.  

This guidance was prepared by Winrock ©

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