Calculation Method:
- Numerator = the number of survivors of TIP or labour abuse [under project assistance] who receive awarded compensation
- Denominator = the number of survivors of TIP or labour abuse [under project assistance] who were awarded compensation
- Percentage = Numerator / Denominator x 100
Data Collection:
Data to substantiate this indicator can be collected through court records, partners, advocates, lawyers, or survivors directly.
Reporting systems must be set up with the relevant stakeholders to capture:
- The awarded amount
- The amount that was asked for (if applicable)
- The date of the award
- If any amount of the award was received
- The date and the amount received
- Any other information that explains the rationale for the outcome
Note: If the project is aiming to impact policy effectiveness, as opposed to direct survivor assistance, data may need to be collected through revieiwing public court records and/or active partnerships with other CSOs who capture similar data.