To Consider:
Depending on the aim of the project, this indicator can be used to can be used to capture all newly established groups by establishing an aggregate OR, it can also be used to monitor active engagement. If used in this manner, established targets may remain the same every reporting period. For example, if the project aims to keep groups active in 10 districts, the target for each reporting period would be 10.Depending on the aim of the project, this indicator can be used to can be used to capture all newly established groups by establishing an aggregate OR, it can also be used to monitor active engagement. If used in this manner, established targets may remain the same every reporting period. For example, if the project aims to keep groups active in 10 districts, the target for each reporting period would be 10.
Although this indicator is quantitative measurement, it is important to collect qualitative data on types of assistance received from the project; types of action made; and why those who have not taken action could not do so or what type of support would best facilitate action.
Technically Assisted is the target group that was trained, technically supported, advised or guided by the project.
Government Committees/ Groups are government officials/ workers involved in anti-trafficking committees or initiatives. These groups have varying forms – committees, working groups, units, etc.
Taking Action to Combat TIP includes but not limited to creating or revising legislation, policy, and laws; implementing policies and laws; increasing or creating budgets; conducting public awareness activities; and developing or providing assistance or referral programs to survivors.