Calculation Method:
- Numerator= Number of survivors reported that they felt like they were involved in the decisions regarding their case management plan.
- Denominator= Total number of survivors who are part of the project's case management.
Percentage = (Numerator/ Denominator) × 100
Data Collection:
Collect the following data by conducting a survey with all survivors in the project's case management during each data collection period.
Possible questions and possible answers:
Q1: Do you know that the project developed a case management plan for you?
a) Yes. (the survivor IS AWARE of the case management process, continue with Q2).
b) No. (the survivors IS NOT AWARE of the case management process, stop the question).
Q2: Do you feel you were involved in the decision making in the case management process?
a) Yes. (the survivor WAS INVOLVED in the decision-making in the case management process, continue with Q3).
b) No. (the survivors WAS NOT INVOLVED in the decision-making as part of the case management process, stop the question).
Q3: How were you involved in the decision making? …… (record the data for the analysis of level of involvement in the decision-making).