Achieving desired skill set

Indicator Phrasing

# and % of target population who gained desired, job-readiness skill set

Indicator Phrasing

English: # and % of target population who gained desired, job-readiness skill set

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures whether the targeted individuals have gained the desired, job-readiness skill set that is needed for the desired economic opportunity, as a result of project’s assistance. This can include class or field-based training or internships. The job-readiness skill sets should be what is wanted and needed, as identified by the individuals.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation Method:

  • Numerator: Number of targeted persons in project sites who demonstrated competency in desired skill sets or have completed training
  • Denominator: Total number of targeted persons who have  accessed skills development services
  • PercentageNumerator / Denominator x 100


Data Collection:

To determine the indicator's value, it is possible to use the following options:


Option #1:

Define a limited number of the most important knowledge or/ and skills that the project participants should gain as a result of the provided support. Avoid having unrealistically high or unnecessarily low requirements by verifying the test’s difficulty by pre-testing it with at least 10 people. Decide the minimum result a person needs to reach in order to pass the test (for example, answering at least 7 out of 10 knowledge-related questions correctly and performing at least 3 out of 5 tested skills correctly). Prepare simple tests assessing whether the targeted project participants have the pre-defined, most important knowledge and/or skills.


Administer the test to a representative sample of the target group members by:

  • In the case of literate persons, a written test, and in the case of illiterate persons, an interview where the data collector asks knowledge-related questions and records whether the participant provided correct answers (in the case of largely illiterate persons)
  • Observations where the participants are asked to perform the tested skills and the data collector records whether they were performed correctly

Calculate whether the participant reached the minimum required result.


Note: A “pre-test” and “post-test”, can help understand the extent to which the respondents improved (or not) their knowledge and skills. 


Option #2:

If a technical and vocational training is vetted and understood to be high quality, the number of survivors or targeted individuals who complete these programmes may qualify as achieving desired skill sets. However, the individual must be “job-ready” or ready to work in the area of focus without needing more training or certifications.


Disaggregate by

  • Gender
  • Age Group
  • Location of Residence
  • Type of Skills: Define at the beginning of the project 

Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.). Disaggregated data can help the project to understand which groups may face the highest risk.

Important Comments


Target Population is the group of people identified as in need of the targeted campaign. For example, if a particular part of a country experiences a high rate of human trafficking or seen as vulnerable to trafficking. Note: Different language can be used such as vulnerable population or at-risk group. However, the meaning should remain the same.


Job-Readiness Skills-Set are the set of skills that the targeted person has gained (e.g., accounting, hairdressing, cooking, driving, foreign language, business startup, etc.) to be ready for employment or income generating activities. These skills should contribute to new economic opportunities. The term “job readiness” does not have to mean the person is in a formal employment setting, but should be ready to work the are of training/education. The skills-training activities can include class- or field-based training. 


Desired refers to the targeted group and participants in the training that have expressed their interest in acquiring the skills, and the training was developed or accessed with these needs in mind, indicating participation in the decision-making process. The skill building activities should also be based on market research and an understanding of preferences, rather than just selecting random skills that may or may not be useful or may overcrowd the local market (see resources below).


This indicator was adapted from Indikit:

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This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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