Community identification knowledge

Indicator Phrasing

% of trained community members who can demonstrate an understanding of trafficking and identify indicators that someone is/has been a victim of human trafficking

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of trained community members who can demonstrate an understanding of trafficking and identify indicators that someone is/has been a victim of human trafficking

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures changes in knowledge of community members as a result of project’s protection and prevention activities. This indicator can be used when a project is attempting to build capacity around community identification and the facilitation of rescue.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation method:

  • Numerator = Number of surveyed target community members who demonstrate an understanding of trafficking and trafficking indicators
  • Denominator =  Total number of surveyed individuals in the community  

  • Percentage = Numerator/ Denominator × 100 


Data Collection:

Collect the data by conducting assessments with the target group. It is best to create the assessment with input from local case workers and CTIP social workers, in addition to other sources. 

To provide an opportunity to better understand comprehension of trafficking and the ability to identifying victims, comprehension assessments should be given. These would look like providing several short stories/scenarios and having the community member answer questions about each 

Assessments on trafficking knowledge might look like: 



Anna signs a contract with an employer abroad, the employer pays for her travels, and she starts the job immediately. When she gets there she is paid for her work, but she does not like it and thinks it is much harder than she originally imagined. She goes to her employer to quit and the employer says that is fine, but she owes back everything he paid for travel and must pay for her own travel home. Might this be considered human trafficking?  

       A. Yes, this sounds like trafficking 

       B. No, this does not sound like trafficking 

       C. Probably not, but it depends on the contract she signed 

       D. I don’t know 



Eddie travels abroad for work. In his contract it says he is to be paid 300 dollars the last day of every month. When the first pay period comes, the employer tells Eddie that the money he is owed has gone to the recruiter to pay recruitment fees. The next month Eddie receives 150 dollars, even though he was forced to work 10 extra hours per week. The employer says it is because he did not work hard enough so he didn’t earn his wages. Might this be considered human trafficking? 

        A. Yes, this sounds like trafficking 

        B. No, this does not sound like trafficking 

        C. Probably not, but it depends on the contract he signed 

        D. I don’t know 


Assessments on victim identification might look like: 

#1 Anwar has returned from migrating abroad. He does not leave his house often. When you ask him about his time abroad he quickly changes the subject. You have heard from a neighbour that the family is struggling financially since Anwar returned. Might Anwar be a trafficking victim? 

        A. Yes, this sounds like trafficking 

        B. No, this does not sound like trafficking 

        C. Maybe, but I would not know for sure, I should contact the local NGO? 

        D. I don’t know 

Disaggregate by

  • Community member (leader, elder, general public) 
  • Gender 
  • Authorities referred to 
  • Geographic location 

Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.). 

Important Comments

To Consider:

Human trafficking is very complex and asking individuals to identify key warning signs or indicators is not sufficient. Assessments should provide community members the opportunity to think through varying scenarios, rather than just providing rote responses. 

Research from USAID Asia CTIP (Kasper and Chiang; Tauson, Chua, and Diaz, see below attachments) shows that family and community members are well placed to facilitate rescue. For example, when a victim reaches out to a family member at home, when they understand what trafficking is, they are able to seek assistance through local NGOs or consular services abroad.  



Targeted community members are (for the purpose of this indicator) those in transit, destination, or reintegration locations and who have participated in the project’s community identification training. 

Signs of Trafficking are the signals, factors, or key identifiers that someone has been or currently is a victim of trafficking. The signs of current trafficking will, of course, vary depending on whether the TIP victim is in the country of return or destination, the industry or type of trafficking, etc. The signs will depend heavily on the context. Please see the linked resource for some ideas. However, the list of factors should come from the context and experiences of service providers who have experience working directly with victims.  



TIP victims may feel trapped, want to remain hidden, or are not fully aware that they may be victims. When they go back home they may not want to come forward for lack of trust of fear of discrimination. Key informants in communities, such as local leaders or health workers are bestcan be well placed to identify red flags and talk to victims and refer them to services. 

This indicator can be used to measure the immediate results of the awareness-raising activities in the transit, destination, or home countries or communities. The assumption is that after participating in the awareness-raising activities, community members should be able to identify potential trafficking situations that should be reported. This indicator can also be used in community identification projects.  

This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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