Calculation method:
- Number of Unique Views = Total Number of Followers + Views Through Shares.
Data Collection:
Reach is normally calculated by counting the number of unique views, this can be done by counting the number of followers you already have (e.g. every friend on Facebook, every follower on Twitter) plus the account that shared the post’s number of followers. For example – Your project’s Facebook page posts an advocacy campaign slogan and hashtag. Your project has 100 followers. OF your 100 Followers, 4 decide to share the post. Each follower has 100 followers of their own. This mean the reach of your post is 500. That is 100 of your followers and each 100 of the 4 followers.
Calculating this number without a social media measuring tool can be very difficult. It is best to find a social media measuring tool within the budget of the project or find out if the communications team at your organization is already using something and they can help you.
There are other ways to measure engagement and some resources are listed below.