Increased income

Indicator Phrasing

% of target population who increased their income as a result of the provided assistance

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target population who increased their income as a result of the provided assistance

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the percent of targeted individuals in a given group (high-risk persons/ TIP survivors/ returnees) who have increased their income from a project’s assistance. This indicator can be used to determine if the provided assistance has resulted in an increase in income. Tracking of results will inform a project whether the interventions are on track to provide an increased income for the target groups.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation Method:

  • Numerator: Number of target group members that have increased their income (irrespective of the amount or by a certain threshold determined by the project).
  • Denominator: A total number of target group members who have been provided assistance from the project (exclude those who could not or did not want to respond).
  • Percentage = Numerator/ Denominator × 100.

Data Collection:

Data can be collected by asking project participants their monthly income before and after taking part in the livelihoods project. 


A useful way to collect information is through a baseline and endline. Data can be collected at the start of the intervention, several months after and again annually, in order to ascertain sustainability. 

Disaggregate by

  • Gender
  • Age Group
  • Target Group: High-risk persons, TIP survivors, and returnees
  • Type of the Provided Assistance: Income generating activities, skills training, internship, livelihood support, etc.

Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.). Disaggregated data can help the project to understand which groups may face the highest risk.

Important Comments

To Consider:

Since income measurement is prone to many complications and biases, the indicator does not aim to measure the exact changes in the respondent’s income. That is why it assesses only approximate changes, focusing primarily on whether the pre-defined minimum increase was achieved.


If the supported income generation activities are prone to seasonal differences in the levels of generated income (e.g. as is the case with agriculture), ensure that the baseline and endline data are collected at the same time of year.


More information about increased income indicator:



Target population is the group of people identified as in need of the targeted campaign. For example, if a particular part of a country experiences a high rate of human trafficking, you may wish to target this community or trafficking survivors themselves. (Note: Different language can be used such as vulnerable population or at-risk group. However, the meaning should remains the same).


Provided assistance includes but not limited to livelihood activities, income generation activities, skill training, job placement, internships, low-interest loans, or in-kind productive assets (i.e. equipment, tools, specialized training).


This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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