Calculation Method:
- Numerator: Number of targeted, high-risk persons who have been employed (with the assistance of the project)
- Denominator: A total number of targeted high-risk persons in the project sites
- Percentage = Numerator/ Denominator × 100
Data Collection:
A follow up survey should be done with those who participated in the intervention to see if they were able to find or start their own employment.
Possible survey questions and possible answers:
Q1: Have you found a job/ have regular work?
a. Yes, the respondent gained employment.
b. No, the respondent did NOT gain employment.
Q2. Are you employed by someone else or self-employed?
a. Employed by others (go to Q3)
b. Self-employed (go to Q4)
Q3: How did you find this job?
…... (record the answer to check if the respondent had the assistance from the project to find their employment or not).
Q4: Do you feel that you were able to obtain this employment because of the program? (optional)
a. Yes, it’s because of the project.
b. No, it's NOT because of the project.