Access to safer migration

Indicator Phrasing

% of targeted potential migrants who have access to safer, regular migration as a result of the program/activities

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of targeted potential migrants who have access to safer, regular migration as a result of the program/activities

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the percent of targeted potential migrants who have access to safer migration channels. This indicator will measure how the project activities can support potential migrants to gain access to migration through a safe pathway (e.g. ability to get a valid proof of identifications and travel documents, having access to licensed recruitment agents/agencies).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data


  • Numerator:  number of target potential migrants who reported as having access to safer and regular migration.
  • Denominator: total number of target potential migrants who were part of the project's campaigns/activities.
  • Percentage Numerator / Denominator x 100


Data Collection:

Collect the following data by conducting a survey or interviews with a representative sample of the target groups:

 Example questions and possible answers:

Q1: Ask “How are you planning to migrate?”

a. Through a registered recruitment agency (safe migration).

b. Through an unregistered labor broker (unsafe migration).

c. Independently through unofficial border (unsafe migration).

d. Through help from friends or family (unsafe migration).

e. Do not know (unsafe migration)

f. e. Other______, please explain?


 Q2:  List the requirements to legally migrate and ask each person if they have each of the requirements (some examples are below).

a. Job offers

b. Passport

c. Visa

d. Work permit

e. Other _____, please explain?


Disaggregate by

  • Gender
  • Age Groups
  • Geographic Location
  • Type of Campaigns and Activities

Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.)

Important Comments

To Consider:

We choose to include the term “safer” as opposed to “safe” as evidence is limited around what constitutes “safe migration”



Potential Migrant is a person who intends to work abroad within the next two years


Regular migration is the movement of a person from his or her usual place of residence to a new place of residence, in keeping with the laws and regulations governing exit of the country of origin and travel, transit, and entry into the destination or host country (IOM, see link below)..


Safer Migration practices are precautions and actions to help mitigate the risk of trafficking


Programmes or Activities on Safer Migration may include awareness raising campaigns through various types of media (e.g. print media, broadcast media, internet, community-level awareness raising sessions). The information campaigns contain information on issues that may have an impact on migrants at the pre-departure stage, during migration, in the destination country and/or in the post-return phase. The safer migration activities aim at increasing knowledge of and access to safer pathways. Examples could be pre-departure orientation training, pre-migration assistance (including assistance with documents and verifying employers), building or supporting community assistance centers, assisting on recruitment and contract signing, as well as others. 



As suggested by Zimmerman et al. (2016, see attached document), evidence is limited about what puts migrants at risk to trafficking and what keeps them safe. Programmes should include several monitoring indicators alongside qualitative data collection to better understand these factors and if the project is actually contributing in a positive way.

This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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