Community action group activities

Indicator Phrasing

# of community engagement activities led by community action groups

Indicator Phrasing

English: # of community engagement activities led by community action groups

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the number of community action groups implementing trafficking prevention activities in their communities. It is useful to demonstrate ongoing engagement within the community and ongoing activities conducted by community action groups.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation method:

Count the total number of community engagement activities led by community action groups


Data Collection:

Data should be collected by those working directly with community action groups. Information can be gathered through periodic visits to the community or through a regular monitoring system set up with the CSO collecting data. For example, the action group may agree to communicate all activities to the CSO prior to or after the event.  For CSO’s working directly with creation of Community action groups – the details of events should be recorded as part of project details and can then be reviewed as needed.

Information recorded should include:

  • Type of activity
  • Focus or aim of activity
  • Number of community action group members taking part in activity
  • Date/timeframe
  • Additional information e.g., notes on impact, reception, next steps, feedback etc...

Disaggregate by

  • Type of activity
  • Focus or aim of activity
  • Relevant GESI characteristics on attendees (if safe and relevant)
  • GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, race, gender, caste, language group.)
This guidance was prepared by Winrock ©

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