Knowledge of human trafficking risks

Indicator Phrasing

% of target population aware of at least [specify number] risks of trafficking in persons

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target population aware of at least [specify number] risks of trafficking in persons

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures changes in knowledge as a result of the awareness-raising activity in a community. It is a proxy indicator that assesses the ability of a target population to identify risks of trafficking in persons and assumes that increased knowledge may lead to the avoidance of certain risks and increase safe migration.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data


  • Numerator: Number of members of the target population who can answer at least [X number of] warning signs.
  • Denominator: A total number of target population.
  • X number of warning signs means that the project can choose the number. There is no recommendation for this, but things to consider might include baseline knowledge, difficulty of the assessment, and length of the assessment.
  • Percentage = Numerator/ Denominator x 100.

Data Collection:

Collect the data through a questionnaire with a representative sample of the target groups. List the warning signs that are commonly associated with trafficking. For example, these could include a job opportunity that seems to good to be true, a lack of information about the job, lack of a contract, and many, many more.Record number of the individual’s correct answers and count those that can identify X or more. Data can be collected (surveys given) as a pre and post-test in order to identify changes in knowledge base.

Disaggregate by

  • Gender
  • Age Group
  • Geographic Location

Note: You can choose any number of additional ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.). Disaggregated data can help the project to understand which groups may face the highest risk.

Important Comments


Target Population is the group of people identified as in need of the targeted campaign. For example, if a particular part of a country experiences a high rate of human trafficking, you may wish to target this community to ensure they understand what human trafficking is and how it is likely to unfold. (Note: Different language can be used such as vulnerable population or at-risk group. However, the meaning should remain the same.) Note: This indicator should be used in places of origin. The answers for the warning signs for each location can be different depending on context.


Warning Sign is an early signal that something bad or dangerous might or is happening which could lead to a possibility that someone might/will be falling prey to trafficking in persons. (Note: this indicator allows for the project to determine the number of warning signs that they deem necessary to establish a knowledge base. Source: adapted from ICAT and Indikit’s awareness indicators.

This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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