Sustainable employment/Self-employment

Indicator Phrasing

% of survivors who have retained [self-]employment with support from livelihood program for [specify the number] months

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of survivors who have retained [self-]employment with support from livelihood program for [specify the number] months

What is its purpose?

This indicator refers to the percent of the target group who are able to retain their employment for a predefined minimum number of months due to the project’s assistance. It also measures whether the project leads to sustainable livelihoods.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation Method:

  • Numerator: Number of targeted persons employed who have retained their employment for a specific time.
  • Denominator: Total number of targeted persons who have been employed.
  • Percentage = Numerator/ Denominator x 100.

Data Collection:

Collect the required data by reviewing relevant documentation and conducting a survey with the persons whom the project supported. 

Possible survey questions and possible answers:


Q1: From which date were you employed?

…… (record the date).


Q2: Are you still working in this job?

a. Yes, the respondent retained the job.

b. No, the respondent did NOT retain the job (go to Q2.1, Q2.2).


Q2.1: What was the last day you went to this job?

…… (record the date).


Q2.2: Why did you leave the job? (optional)

…… (record the reasons to understand why the job is not the right match). 


Q3: Do you have another job/ source of income? (optional).

…… (record the reasons to understand the other opportunities).



Disaggregate by

  • Gender
  • Age Group
  • Type of Job: Part-time, Full-time
  • Salary Level
  • Type of Jobs: Various Industries
  • Length of Employment

Note: You can choose any number of ways to disaggregate data if useful for your project, for example GESI-related disaggregation (disability, ethnicity, etc.). Disaggregated data can help the project to understand which groups may face the highest risk.

Important Comments

To Consider:

It is important that individuals are not blamed for having to leave jobs and providing the best fit or skill set should be priority for the project. If employment is not sustainable, it may mean the project is off the mark. It may mean that job placements are not in desired areas, employees are mistreated or that self-employment and capital grants are insufficient. It may also mean that the survivor has many opportunities available to them. For this reason, it is important to ask about current employment.



Target Population is the group of people identified as in need of the targeted campaign. For example, if a particular part of a country experiences a high rate of human trafficking, is potentially vulnerable, or are trafficking survivors themselves. Note: Different language can be used such as vulnerable population, trafficking survivors, or at-risk group. However, the meaning should remain the same.


Livelihood Program is the activity that aims to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment among poor households and by moving highly vulnerable households into sustainable livelihoods and toward economic stability. Livelihood programs can include skills development, skills upgradation, training, entrepreneurship skills development, product development and marketing, technology appropriation, and employment. 


The Minimum Duration of Employment should not be less than 6 months. Consider assessing and comparing the data for 6-month as well as the 12-month period with the same persons. This employment should be with the assistance/support from the project and includes self-employment.


More information on the indicator:

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This guidance was prepared by Winrock - USAID Asia CTIP ©

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